7 Reassuring Things To Know About Bottle Feeding

If there isn’t enough pressure on us already when we are trying to console our crying baby, walking up and down the room, desperately trying to soothe and settle; we are constantly bombarded by social media posts of smiling mothers serenely and effortlessly breastfeeding their babies, 

This can make you feel like such a failure when you are struggling to latch your baby.

But what about bottle feeding?

It’s hard not to doubt ourselves, to worry your baby is not having enough sustenance and nutrition, to feel anxious and then become more anxious that your baby senses the anxiety. That terrible cycle of anxiety and guilt.

Reaching out for assistance from a lactation consultant can help to address the difficulties that you are experiencing with breastfeeding. Some difficulties can be overcome with the right help.

Despite the assistance of a lactation consultant though, breastfeeding may not always be possible or may prove too challenging, and there are a multitude of physical reasons that both mothers and babies find breastfeeding difficult. For mum these include cracked and bleeding nipples, inverted nipples, mastitis, or low milk supply.


1. For baby it may be the challenge of sucking and swallowing, tongue tie, struggling to latch on correctly to the nipple, sleepiness or frustration if milk is slow to come in.


2. Breast milk may not always be available if the mother has undergone certain surgeries such as a breast reduction or mastectomy, prior radiation treatment, or taking certain medications. In these cases, it may be much safer and more logical for baby to bottle feed with a nutritious and appropriate formula.

3. As mothers we are always seeking to do the best for our babies, and we must be allowed to re work the idea that breastfeeding is the only method that is best, and open ourselves up to the positive aspects of bottle feeding. Every mother and baby pair are unique and wonderful. Consider the information provided here to help you decide on the feeding method that will be right for you and your baby.

4. Please note that babies may become unwell whether they are breast or bottle fed. Breast feeding does not automatically mean your baby is safe guarded from all germs. Bottles can be carefully sterilised to ensure you are protecting your child’s health as best you can.

5. In rare cases a baby may present with intolerances to certain foods that can come though the breast milk. Overall, breast milk is the perfect food for a baby’s nutritional needs. If you are bottle feeding you will have numerous formulas available to cater for any allergies or intolerances your baby may have.

6. Breastfeeding and higher IQ levels spark much discussion, however there is no statistical data that links Intelligence to breast milk. Many factors impact on IQ including neural wiring, inherited genetics, environmental issues, home environment, education opportunities, learning resources and nutrition. If formula is going to provide your baby with adequate nutrition then that is best for your babies developing brain.

7. Enough sleep is also vital for a growing body and brain, and we would all love the secret to having a baby sleep through the night. Whether breast or bottle feeding there is no guarantee your baby will sleep for longer at night, so that’s one less factor to worry about.

Well-fed babies are happy babies, and this will look different for every mother and her baby. Consider these points above, but never forget that whatever works best for you and your baby is exactly right for your baby.

If you are needing to give your baby formula in addition to breastfeeding because your milk supply is not quite meeting your baby’s needs, then the formula does not cancel out the benefits of breast milk. 

Continuing to breast feed your baby while supplementing with formula will mean that your baby still gets the benefit of every drop of breast milk that you can provide.

It’s important to note that it may be difficult to go back to exclusive breastfeeding once formula bottle feeding is introduced; however, if your baby is well fed and happy then that is what is ultimately important.

The greatest thing you can give your baby is your love, and bonding with your baby is not impacted by how they are fed – remember that being cuddled close, hearing your voice, watching your face, and that drink of warm milk is what gives your baby security, contentment and bonded love.

Do you have bottle-feeding concerns? Click here to see how Wendy can help you

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